a reminder..

When it comes to finding your soul mate we tend to look for someone that makes us happy or lightens our mood. I don’t agree with that. I think people would make better decisions if they stopped focussing on babies and marriage. You won’t be happy all your life. And that’s a fact. Happiness is temporary. It’s a temporary feeling which comes and goes. It’s not something which stays with you eternally. I believe sadness lingers more. It’s a feeling which is difficult to get over. Yeah maybe a little cry helps but what if someone close passes away, what then? Where is that person? That person you’re happy with? You need someone in times of vulnerability. Your head isn’t thinking straight, you need a shoulder to cry on. You need comforting words. You need someone to make you feel appreciated. You need someone that looks at your tears and wipes them away. Someone that will be there for you when your parents pass away, when your child gets hurt, when you lose your job. You need to think, does this person fit my criteria? Will they be there for me through life? And if God forbid you date a person and they say, “I’ll speak to you later, it looks like you need space”, in your gloomiest time, then they are the ones to stay away from. People that run away from your most deepest sacred emotions. Let them go. For they don’t understand your soul. So next time you’re looking for someone, make sure they’re there for you when you need them. A bit like a friend, not someone who is just after a bit of skin and a laugh. Think deeply about who you want to walk through life with.

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